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Layout by: Lovely Designs
Brushes: [1] [2]
Image: Hyung Taekim

the deadrising 4 dlc is a very mixed bag, both in quality and style, you have a story based dlc that ads a whole new mechanic set and brings back old mechanics like the timer and the wasps, a campaign reskin with new costumes and weapons and a.... minigolf mode? yeah it's very disperate, but none of these are bad and if you got the game on ps4 then you have access to them all as is, though one weird thing i do feel like mentioning is that the ps4 versions is not on disc, but rather a seperate free download, its not even a code, its just not on there, which is strange, but anyway we'll start with the first one released and the most important one to the games story, frank rising.

frank rising is a hour and a half long timed extra slice of story content that's just there to finish off the games story and act as a true ending, this is very apparent just for how it starts, it starts right after the stories pretty awful ending which seems to have been purposly left incomplete just to sell this dlc, it's annoying. so the main gimmicks here are twofold, one: you play as a zombie, this isn't really as different as you would think, while at the start the game does have the zombies ignore you, as soon as you start the real story his goes right away and you're just left with a frank that cant use vehicles or weapons and with some extra moves like a healing bite attack, a howl that can clear hordes, a spit that's very innaccurate and a pounce that's super hard to use (hint: aim for the ground below the target, not the target), it's fun enough, you feel less powerful than you did in the basegame but it's some nice variety and it feels almost like a mini-ver of stubbs the zombie once you start to get stuff like the ability to attract zombies to people with your bile attack, beyond this you also have the timer back from the first three, but it's a real time timer not a days timer, you have an hour and a half IRL to finish it and this is pretty difficult if you want the true ending, i had to repeat a few side missions (that are scattered time trials across the map you must finish for upgrades and to level up your abilities) and died a few times and ended up missing the true ending by about 10 mins and had to restart! so it doesnt mess around, though at least your ability upgrades do carry over to your next attempt, which makes it feel very deadrising in structure, the story it concludes isn't worth it though, it's there sure but its not very telling about the lore and it's not very well written, you're playing this for the new fun gimmicks more than anything, but since this is the last piece of Dr story we ever got, i guess it is worth seeing what happens to frank in the end, though it's not very conclusive.

the second dlc is, mixed, it depends how you play it, the idea is fun though. exosuit minigolf in and around the mall with zombies you can hit and little gimmicks like tubes and speedup ramps and mechanically it's a lot of fun, it's a lot like the PSVITA game @field if you've played that, a fun minigolf game on futuristic platforms with some kinda platformy bits, the issue is that it's very difficult and kind of buggy like the main game, the golfing is very imprecise at first until you upgrade your clubs with the money you get from wins (which you can also use for customisation), it took me hours to just finish the first course because of how difficuult it could be, but once you do upgrade your clubs it's a lot easier and really fun, you got 6 courses with 4 holes a piece between normal holes and putter only zones, you can even play it in co-op with power ups like ball swaps and this is really fun, it's the way to go if you do play because it saves the mode wholley, it's complete chaos and a very fun party game, i'd say its worth it if you have friends to play with or if you can put up with the difficulty curve.

there is also the multiplayer mode, this isn't dlc but rather a part of the original game that uses its framework for a objective based 4 player co op mode, it's okay, almost no one is playing it and i only ever saw one other player but it's fully beatable solo, albiet a little boring, matches run for 2 ingame days with a few objecives to do, but you finish the objectives so fast that you end up with tons of downtime with nothing to do and so few items laying around that you end up just wandering doing nothing because there's far less weapons to use and far less zombies onscreen due to it being multiplayer, you do get 4 playable characters you can level up just like frank though, but i'd just say skip this, it's not very fun and not worth it, you can get the same experiance by just finishing the campaign, it doesn't even have any new story.

lastly and mostly is capcom heroes, this is a free dlc mode for every version of the game that is a remixed version of the campaign with new costumes with abilities and new collectables relating to older capcom games and for many people it will most likely be the main reason to play this game at all, it's a solid free dlc with a lot to see and do and it radically changes the series gameplay enough that it makes for a unique experiance even outside the cameos. the gameplay is similar on a surface level to frank rising but set during the main campaign with the cooldown abilities and lack of pickup weapons but here you can use the cars thankfully but the costumes you find change your abilities, ranging from dantes swords and guns, amaterasus brush and a gun for jill that even includes the red dot from the later resi games when you aim, you even get to possess stuff as sissel from ghost trick and these dedicated movesets give the game a massively different feel. it feels like a musou game, something deadrising was always very similar to with its melee combat and large crowds but these distinct movesets with combos make it from "musou adjacent" to "musou" and it's an interesting experiance, sure the combos arent deep and many of the characters are just reskins of each other or just use movesets and items from the basegame but so many of these are made with love and care, sissels is full of direct game references like the lamp and the chair and his ultimate mimmicks the games box art, amaterasu has to be obtained by a side quest involving issun, arthurs running animation mimicks the arcade game perfectly and characters like dante and viewtiful joe use combos from their games, but not all are like this, some like the street fighter characters are just unfun to use and adam the clown is difficult to the point of uselessness to use, they also lock your moveset until you do a sidequest at first which is super annoying, you get jills costume at the end of the game when you cant even leave the mall to do hers, the whole campaign is kind of a tough sell to begin with though, it's just a full extra playthrough of the campaign start to finish, it does change up the collectables and sidequests (which can have game references like collecting E tanks or destroying cars) with posters of other capcom series to find and money scattered around which you'll need to unlock some characters like sissel and bass, the character choices are a little hit and miss though, the street fighter characters are mostly very unfun and 3 of them are basically redundant and bass also feels a little weird of a choice when characters like zero and EXE are missing, some of the more obscure choices are great like sissel and viewtiful joe but it could have used some more, throw in some breath of fire characters with magic, some dino crisis characters with dino summons or a lost planet character in a mech. it's good overall though, i think it's worth picking the game up for alone, but i would say to give it a break between playing the basegame and this, you'll burn yourself out otherwise, like i very well may have.