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+ resident evil re:verse ost: main menu

Layout by: Lovely Designs
Brushes: [1] [2]
Image: Hyung Taekim

sometimes a game can have a ton of cool ideas or some fun gameplay but still not be worth sticking with, these games are like that to me to varying degrees, neither one i really got to a point of saying i felt finished with but i also didn't want to. the first is RE:verse, this was a resident evil hero shooter that came free with every copy of resident evil villaige, it's basically it's multiplayer mode and it's fun! at first, it's mostly a lot of reused assets from across the series with maps from the RE engine games as well as characters and monsters from them reused to form a hero shooter focused on a central gimmick, revenge. it's a cool gimmick, every death as a protag nets you an extra life as a monster, which monster can vary by how many canisters you picked up in that life, varying from nemisis, the tyrant and things like the moulded (god they're lame) and each have their own movesets. this is a cool idea and when it works and you can actually manage to get a match it can be raeally fun, but that also brings me to why i dropped it. it's unbalanced, it has some rpg mechanics that really damage balance and some characters like leon, chris and ada are very broken to the point its just not fun to fight against people playing them, and everyone is playing them, this combined with the lack of content just leaves it as a very unbalanced multiplayer game with not a lot to do, cool, but i dont see myself going back.

i also a short time ago gave a go to a free-to-play gundam hero shooter called gundam evolution, i'll admit i know very little about gundam beyond the very few games ive played like gundam breaker and warriors so this games fanservice elements never did much for me *But* the gameplay for it is really fun! it's got a good mix of close combat and ranged attacks and it has some very cool maps and a nice variety of suits with different abilities and when i managed to actually get a character i wanted before someone else picked them, which was rarely the case, i had a great time, but then came the reasons i dropped it. the game has balance issues almost as bad as with re:verse and these ones aren't as easy to navigate, while re:verse gave you everyone up front so you could still have a chance, gundam doesn't and many of the most broken suits were paid for so a lot of free players were just at a disadvantage and this made the game much harder to like, combined with the eggregious MTX and slow leveling and i just couldnt stick with it long term, but if the suits were all free and the game had more than one of a class at once, i can imagine id have stuck with this one!

lastly is the messenger. this one i stopped the hardest out of any of them and is the only one i fully do not reccomend even playing. now don't get me wrong, the first half of this game is a lot of fun! it's a very fun ninja-gaiden style retro platformer with fun movement, some great levels, a cute gimmick and some fantastic music, but it's also got a lot of issues all of which ruin the game and had me drop it in the games second half and i know for a fact that i will never go back to it. for a start while the gameplay can be good, the game is also obnoxiously difficult and has very few accessability options, the game even taking a very gamery attitude and mocking you for deaths, most of which feel unfair, not only that but the gamery writing is presant in the whole game, it's unfunny and kind of gross at times with its weirdo moral lessons and *actual fucking jordan peterson quotes* which was reason enough for me to drop the game on the spot, not that i had many reasons to continue, while the music was good in the first half, when the games gimmick comes in in the form of a shfting art style as you travel through time between 8 and 16 but, the soundtrack takes a dive as i just do not like genisis style music and it meant a lot of the level themes just did nothing for me. when the twist hits the game also just lost me hard, it goes from a fairly well paced linier game to a slow, plodding metroidvania with awful maps, confusing objectives and very little direction which just made the latter half confusing and wholley unfun, i kept delaying going back until the one time i did and ended up dropping it for good as it was just a miserable experiance on top of the games grosser aspects like the cut jokes which are all just mean spirited and cruel, i'd say look at some of the cooler levels and listen to the fantastic 8bit ost, but avoid the actual game all you can.