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+ silent hill 3 OST: maternal heart

Layout by: Lovely Designs
Brushes: [1] [2]
Image: Hyung Taekim

silent hill HD is pretty easily the worst way to experiance any of the games possible, outside of watching a bad twin perfect video, but i think it's also the most interesting way to *replay* the games, it creates a wholley unique experiance compared to playing the games the way they were meant to and it's honestly probably my favoruite way to go back to them when i don't just want to get emotional at 3's story or 2's atmosphere, it's hard to call it a good experiance but i'd also be lying if i said it wasn't a blast to experiance, there are very few games as outright broken like this and in ways this game almost invented being broken in, sure there's bad modern ports too like persona 3 portable HD but nont can quite match up to how much of an experiance this one is.

the HD collection released in march 2012 during the failed "month of madness" for the ps3 and the 360 and i have experiance with both ports, the ps3 one is far worse in my experiance, far buggier and with far more overall issues as well as having the worst and most fun of them, so naturally it's the version i'd reccomend you to track down, though the xbox version is backwards compatable on current gen systems, for whatever that means, i would also reccomend playing it unpatched for an even more fun experiance, not that the patch really helps it too much to begin with and you can beat both games to platnum fine enough without the patch, it's not needed i think, it is also worth noting that the xbox version was never even given the patch, even with the backwards compatable version, so this won't be an option for you there. whichever ver you get will be broken either way, the collection though sadly isn't fully complete, with the original, and better, voice acting for 3 being missing entirely and there's no sign of 4 or any of the later ps2 ports of origins and shattered memories, which is a shame, 4 would have been cool to see in a state as bad as this!

first off the genuinely good things about this set! the new voice cast i actually do quite like, it's not as good for either game and the two games even share VA's sometimes which is a little weird but i think both work fine, they use super well known JRPG/anime voice talent from the time and i do like a lot of these voices a lot, if you're not a dub person this may not do much for you, but for me it was cool hearing this dialogue coming from new voices i recognised, you have the old dub option for 2 anyway at least, but with no such luck for 3. you also have full platnums for both, the 3 one is fun and doable, i did it, but 2 is very hard and i've never managed to achieve it, maybe one day i hope, it's requirements are just ridiculous though! with you needing the best hyper-spray in the game for it, 3 is more straightforeward, the worst is a speedrun trophy which you can cheese with the UFO ending anyway.

now for the bad, the uh, rest of it, but it's also a lot of fun with the stuff that is bad, mostly. the changes to the music are universally bad here, i won't excuse that and i wish the originals were here, but beyond that the rest of this is all fun stuff. it runs like garbage, like drakengard 3 bad and in some areas like the town outside and the sewers in 3 it runs in full slowmotion, not even low frame rates, just slow motion and i could never get it not to, i just had to beat it like that. the game also looks awful at times with the fog effects in 2 just refusing to show up at all, you can see some really famous examples of this in the like boat and the first meeting with maria, it's really bad looking, thats not even mentioning the non-existant water texture thats just, some bits of white and gray line, it's ugly! and that's so funny to me, it kept surprising me with just how much would go wrong, sound too, areas will just break your speakers in 3 and the machinegun has the sound basically perminantly broken for some reason, i even had all weapon sounds cut out multiple times, sound even loops weirdly, when it remembers to at all, there's also bad issues with it being too dark at times, but it's not to silent hill origins ps2 levels of bad, never crashed much on me though, which is a plus, all of this kind of comes up to being just, a whild experiance and one that's difficult to forget, from the slowdown to teeth textures where a characters eye should be, there is very few games out there quite like this one.

yeah i can't reccomend this at all as your first way to play these, of course, but for anyone that has experiance with the games and wants a new way to enjoy them, i'd absolutely reccomend it, they're so much fun in all the wrong ways and you're guaranteed to almost never see something like this anywhere else, purists will hate it but for anyone who can have a little bit of fun and a sense of humour you need to check these out. i also want to mention that none of this was the developers fault at all, it was a bad situation and they did the best they could with what they have, people have always been unfair on both them and on tomm hulett (who was always given way too much shit, he seems cool) and reportedly they didn't even have finished code to work with, konami is wholley at fault here, not hijinx, who are a very talented studio also involved with stuff like frogger returns (which i have covered before) and the psn vandal hearts sequel!