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Layout by: Lovely Designs
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Image: Hyung Taekim

symbiogenisis is the worst game i have ever played, bar none, it's a scam game built off of evil ideas and promotion of the worst kinds of behavior, a glorified ponzi scheme by a company that should and can do better, i knew it was going to be like this going in but the game is actually far more sleazy than i ever would have predicted it would be, i don't usually like to be negative on these pages and if you aren't in the mood for that then i would say find a different one to read or go do something fun with your night, but if you want to read about a scammy cryptotrash game then stick around.

to start with it, it is free to play at least so you don't *technically* have to buy into squares shitty randomly generated, usually with clipping assets nfts, at least not to start but we'll get to that, you can get into it for free with a long boring sign-in process where i had to verify my discord and make a whole crypto-wallet that i already went and deleted because crypto is a gross scam and it wasn't worth throwing away my morals for this game any more than i already have, once you do all this BS you get into the game in full, what game there even is, you start off with about 5 mins of very boring vn segments with some of the worst CG's ive ever seen in a VN, below even the most boring of voltage mobage cgs with writing that could very well just be chatGPT and it's a weird mishmash of modern and fantasy that just doesn't work because the context for it just isn't there, the world they set up just isn't interesting and the npcs all look like they were created by hitting random in a character creation screen, there's no real design cohesion with even the important story characters and the names are all just, weird but weird in a bad way, sure some square games have character names that are a little silly like edge maverick and mid but like, these are just randomly generated like "handkerchief" and "hurt" and "lord newt" because they had to do this to facilitate the NFT garbage they force into the story, so you have these VN scenes with a nonsense world, writing that has to be flat and unmemorable to fit these nft shitters in and no real special designs because by nature of the 1000 nfts they have to be varied and easy to make, i'm not sure who this is expected to appeal to

now once you get beyond this you get the actual gameplay, or you don't really, that was a lie, there isn't gameplay, the whole game is a bad wheres waldo puzzle on a low res map full of nft jpgs, this could be a good thing if the game around it was like, not a crypto scam, a huge trasure hunt that as a community you have to solve, with how people get together for ARGs and stuff like fez and fromsoft lore you could get a fun game out of this and i think thats what at some point someone wanted this game to be, but thats not how it is, the map itself is static and boring and it feels like a random mishmash of assets, exploring it isn't fun because nothing interesting is happening and parts of it look like they were made by generative ai, fucked up landscapes that look half finished and houses clipping through the floor, what's the point in a hunt if you're hunting somewhere boring, on top of that the pixel hunt is heavily limited to 10 clicks an hour and some items require multiple clicks, i assume this is to stop people from finding things randomly but it just makes it frustrating, oh and did i mention that even if you have the hints for the items that some in some missions require specific nfts? yeah, that's real, it's fucked up. how it works is specific nfts get access to these hints to where the quest items are, and only them, so its up to that person to either "distribute" the nft for cash as a duplicate so people can finish this quest or they can "monopolize" it to claim the rewards themselves, scalping is a central mechanic in this game, this is evil, i won't mince words here, this is evil and it promotes the worst in humanity, i don't think people who make crypto games were ever going to be the most moral but this is a whole new level of shit, this is gross, there's also boss battles? maybe? i never saw any and there's no gameplay of them either so i'm having my doubts as to weather that's even in the game yet and from what i'm able to grap this also requires an NFT buyin that can cost upwards of a $200 in eth, yeah, no, not happening, who the hell is paying switch lite money for a "normie" nft (this is what they're called i am not joking)

so uh, is there anything good here? the music owns, no, really, there's only one track but it's really good and i'd listen to it outside of the game, i've never heard a square game with a bad OST and even their cryptoscam has good music now too, that's it though, it's a scam wheres waldo VN that expects you to spend hundreds for a shitty story and some boss fights that may very well just be gatcha autobattle shit on a map that may very well just be generated ai garbage, i come to question who this is for beyond grifters, people who like squares style will hate the randomly generated assets, vn fans will hate the segmented writing and cheap CGs, rpg fans will hate how it seemingly requies buyin and may only have one battle a chapter and community types will hate having to deal with scalpers in the community just to beat the game, its a game made for no one and i'm sad to see square, who are probably my favourite dev, stoop this low, i defend a lot of their more contravercial games, babylons fall is one of my GOTY's, i love games like forspoken and valkyrie elysium and FF13 is my favourite FF, but i can't defend this, it's an evil ponzi scheme praying on their fanbase, i'm just glad this wasn't related to parsite eve like we initially suspected it would be, instead it gets to be its own shitty, tainted IP that everyone can and should avoid.