+ mikorinye instagram
+ skelecopter
+ smudgebap
+ dead_heather

help me get things to cover
+ sign my guestbook! (getting a new provider soon)
+ my backloggd
+ saya no uta OST: sabbath
+ vi
+ geminirose
+ etherial worlds
+ video witch
+ smudgebap
+ consideritbroken
Layout by: Lovely Designs
Image: Hyung Taekim

+ intelligent qube
+ devils third
+ yakuza 2
+ the tester
+ virtua fighter 2
+ jumping flash
+ a farewell to babylons fall
+ onimusha: warlords
+ babylons fall funeral
+ one shot in the dark, now i'm dead.
+ dead ps3 multiplayer games
+ short reviews #1 (super stardust portable, crossfireX and pinball heroes)
+ gabbuchi
+ astro's playroom
+ shorts 2 (back 4 blood + dlc, trials of the blood dragon and frogger returns)
+ oneechanbara origin and the importance of "trash"
+ pursuit force
+ the syndicate reboot's forgotten co-op campaign.
+ raiden V directors cut
+ playing games outside of your comfort zone (black ops cold war)
+ the quiet man
+ shorts 3 (nidhogg games and tetris effect)
+ cool games i ended up dropping! (resident evil re:verse, gundam evolution and the messenger)
+ gungrave
+ everybody's golf/hot shots golf
+ shorts 4 (licenced games: golden balls, doritos crash course and race with ryan)
+ spawn armageddon
+ uncharted: drakes fortune
+ black knight sword
+ uncharted 3: drakes deception
+ fmv dvd games (final destination 3 and bandersnatch)
+ rocket arena
+ Resistance: burning skies
+ playing games outside my comfort zone: legends of wrestlemania
+ shorts 5 (inside, limbo and my hero academia: ultra rumble)
+ foamstars beta impressions!
+ silent hill HD collection
+ mighty no 9
+ stuart little 2
+ zero wing
+ ape escape
+ ape escape academy
+ the walking dead: survival instinct
+ contra games (nes, super C and operation C)
+ punisher: no mercy
+ cat girl without salad
+ the finals and how AI greed can ruin a game
+ stray
+ trying to understand the appeal of gran turismo sport
+ symbiogenisis sucks
+ why i still play genshin impact
+ miraculous: the rise of sphynx
+ Uppers for playstation vita
+ silpheed: the lost planet
+ the missing: J.J macfield and the island of memories
+ death end request 2
+ persona 5 strikers
+ pushmo world
+ silent hill: the short message
+ short impressions 6: scramble, warlander and P.T
+ bujingai: swordmaster
+ i am setsuna
+ the crew
+ haven
+ tomb raider (2013)
+ crash bandicoot
+ short impressions 7: r-type final 2, fishing fortnite and ice cream surfer
+ starfox 64
+ fighting ex layer
+ fighters megamix
+ wanted dead
+ goldeneye
+ canadian tries her first hockey game (NHL face off 98)
+ no more heroes 2
+ hungry ghosts
+ paradise killer
+ supermarket shriek, necromunda: underhive wars and XDefient
+ clockwork aquario
+ i really, really, really hate postal
+ the sniper 2 made me rethink how i see art.
+ the ratchet and clank remake (?) and the movie it's based on (?)
+ valorant and league of legends as a lifetime console player
+ my hero: ultra rumble; 6 months in
+ devil may cry 3: dante's awakening special edition
+ concord beta and star wars battlefront 2015
+ rumble roses
+ wolfenstein: the old blood and difficulty options
+ devil may cry 4
+ monkey king: hero is back
+ hunters arena: legends
+ the dead space remake
+ max payne
+ off the grid is the worst game i have ever played and a dystopic look into the worst the grifters of video game industry has to offer
+ final fantasy 14: a realm reborn
+ deadrising 2